2023 Integrated Annual Report

World class offer portfolio



We are helping our clients succeed today - transforming to stay ahead of the curve and shape the future of business. Our portfolio of offers is designed to bring value propositions to clients, including transformation, solutions and operations delivering tangible business and operational outcomes. We leverage our mastery of ever changing technologies, our deep understanding of industries and of our clients’ most pressing business challenges to develop our packaged offers by industry and for C-suite executives. To deliver tangible outcomes, we contextualize our packaged solutions to the specific needs of each client.

This diagram illustrates Capgemini's portfolio offerings.

The portfolio encompasses sustainability, Data & AI/Cloud, and Cybersecurity. Capgemini focuses on driving value in three key areas: customer first, intelligent industry, and enterprise management. In doing so, Capgemini assists clients in embracing key technologies such as Data & AI/Cloud, while also enhancing their cybersecurity and sustainability efforts.


Customers are drawn to sustainable brands that show purpose and innovation. We transform the experience that our clients deliver to their customers, including the value of their products and services and the quality of each customer interaction. We design experiences that touch hearts and move markets. We design and manage omnichannel customer journeys and experience, and we deploy data-driven solutions and operations for Chief Marketing Officers, Chief Sales & Services Officers, Chief Digital Officers and Chief Revenue Officers. When a new market entrant or shifting demand threatens a company’s core business, no amount of investing in the customer experience will work unless the company reinvents its value proposition. That is the promise behind our continuous business reinvention offer.


The future of Industries is Intelligent, driven by the unprecedented, simultaneous rise of digital, data & AI, cloud and engineering technologies, with new materials, nanotechnologies, biotechnologies, and quantum computing. We create opportunities for Chief Product Officers and Chief Engineering Officers to address their customers’ new requirements for software products and intelligent connected products. We design and transform operating models, solutions and operations for Chief Manufacturing Officers, Chief Supply Chain Officers and Heads of Operations. This gives them more agility, efficiency and resiliency, and the ability to deliver an improved customer experience at a lower carbon footprint.


Competition is growing. Technology is advancing. Sustainability is moving up on the agenda. It has never been more important to adapt a company’s foundations for end-to-end operations. We help Chief Information Officers, Chief Operating Officers, Chief Human Resources Officers and other functions to transform their processes and teams, deploy new core solutions and sustainable operations to run their company with greater agility and operational efficiency, and offer a seamless, personalized experience to employees. Enabled by industry-specific blueprints, we deploy new core systems to support the transformation of the front end (Customer First) as well as the R&D, supply chain, manufacturing and service operations (Intelligent Industry).