2023 Integrated Annual Report



“In my role, I look at all kinds of emerging technologies and bring them to life within my organization, supporting our business in banking, finance and insurance. Sometimes this means I’m exploring and testing new technologies on the market, and other times I’m researching within Capgemini - unearthing the capabilities and skills that our people have and that can help create value for our clients. Being able to network with teams who have different expertise and perspectives from across the Group and enabling connections amongst these experts is a leadership skill that I have learned and developed at Capgemini. I would say that I now lead differently, to inspire and give a voice to a community of 2,000 architects. I’m really proud to see how we’ve created an open and honest community, where people are empowered and motivated to contribute on projects like our financial services playbook or industry-specific gen AI use cases.”


“My role as a process consultant to the India quality team involves analyzing, designing and improving business processes. I need to understand what processes we need to put into place for our clients and then to train the delivery team. Performance management helps me to grow by setting objectives. For example, I’ll identify areas for improvement and then I’ll upskill myself in the required technologies and I’ll give myself a timeline. At Capgemini we have very frequent performance reviews, with quarterly reviews, then a final end-of-year review to help us track our progress and understand our strengths and weaknesses. These frequent check-ins mean that if there’s something we haven’t achieved in the first quarter, we can still try to achieve or accomplish it in the second or third quarter. We have constant feedback on what’s going well and what needs improvement, or areas where a deep dive is needed. And you can ask for this feedback from anyone in the organization. Your manager, peers, or other colleagues and stakeholders give you a wide variety of points of view. This pushes you in a good way and you always know where you stand. My manager is very supportive and always encourages me to upskill. She’s always there to guide me when I’m stuck on a project or facing new challenges.”