2023 Integrated Annual Report

Our people speak




“Capgemini has this amazing in-house digital training platform called Next. We update it every year to make sure we promote new content on the latest technology. I’m aware that we’re operating in a space where technology is evolving at unprecedented speed. It’s vital for us to be constantly upskilling our existing workforce, to make sure their skill sets stay up-to-date and relevant. When I joined in 2019, I mandated that every employee in our service should get several hours of technical training each year. We built wide-ranging training and certification programs for our teams with hyperscalers like Microsoft, Google and AWS to give staff opportunities to develop new technical skills. As the complexity of what we are managing increases, we’re encouraging our specialists not only to deepen their expertise in their chosen technology but also to expand their knowledge more broadly, so they can effectively manage two or three technologies.”


“Over the past four years I’ve been involved in the Empow’Her program, an international network of organizations that empowers women to grow and develop, nurturing their freedom and capacity to excel in entrepreneurship. This has really helped me build my leadership skills. It gives me 360-degree feedback and assessments, and helps me identify my strong points and the ones I need to work on. I was put in touch with a mentor, who’s based in India and has given me invaluable tips and opened networking opportunities to me. Today I manage a team of 1,200 people 45% of whom are women. I think they appreciate that I’m authentic with them; sometimes I speak to them in a Moroccan dialect, so they feel at ease. They’re also interested in learning how I became a manager after starting my career so young. This is important since Morocco now has a growing pool of engineering talent on the international scene and I want to encourage young women to be part of it.”