2023 Integrated Annual Report



Capgemini joined leaders from business, government and civil society for C-suite discussions on AI, Intelligent Industry and sustainability at the prestigious invitation-only, 54th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos, Switzerland. The forum was an opportunity for Capgemini, as a WEF strategic partner, to demonstrate how it helps clients leverage technology to build a sustainable, inclusive future and create longterm value that builds resilience, security and future growth. Aiman Ezzat took part in a key panel discussion entitled Big Bets for Digital Industries, describing the need to invest in skills, innovation and competitiveness to enable sustainable transformation for economic growth. Moreover, the Capgemini Pavilion served as an excellent venue for hosting clients and visitors for conference sessions around the theme of Business, meet tech. Visitors also experienced various demos and the PEUGEOT 9x8 Hybrid Hypercar drew crowds.


For the second year running, Capgemini was listed in the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index (GEI) 2023. This time the Group’s overall score was above 80 points - close to 10 points higher than the industry average, with the maximum score of 100% in two categories: “Antisexual harassment policies” and “Prowomen brands”. This performance in the benchmark index, which covered 484 firms, is proof that our strong commitment to gender equality and an inclusive workplace is being recognized by the industry. The proportion of women in the total workforce reached 38.8% at the end of 2023, up by 1 point yearonyear and almost 6 points up since 2019. The proportion of women in executive leadership positions reached 26.2%, up by 1.8 points year-on-year and more than 9 points up since 2019.


Capgemini’s offices in India are now operating on 100% renewable electricity. The share of renewable energies in the Group’s electricity consumption reached 96% compared with 88% in 2022. This was made possible by onsite renewable energy generation, offsite renewable energy purchase through power purchase agreements, and green power purchasing through utility programs. Other decarbonization measures include the installation of solar plants on all campuses and a battery energy storage system (BESS) that allows Capgemini to store excess renewable energy generated from the solar plants during the day and use it during the evening peak hours. Capgemini also maintained its position on the A climate list in the 2023 CDP (Carbon Disclosure Project) assessment, released in early February 2024.


In 2023, twelve women from World Rugby’s six regional associations received individually tailored coaching and training to develop their leadership skills in the latest chapter of the Capgemini Women in Rugby Leadership program. The program has proven to be transformational in identifying and developing current and next generation female leaders, with the goal of advancing parity and ensuring greater opportunities for women at all levels of the sport.